Sunday, March 27, 2011

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is organized by WWF .  With almost 5 million supporters and a global network in over 100 countries/territories, it’s one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.  This year Earh hour took place on Saturday 26 at 08:30( local time) Did you turn off the lights? If you don't do it. In addition, we can do litle things every day that can help the earth to fight against the climate changes problem. If everyone help we can create a better future for our planet. Lets do it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Packing for Miami/Brazil

Today was very busy day for me.  In addition, to the everyday activies of cleaning and organizing the kids stuff I had to pack their  bags to go to Miami and Brazil.  It might seems easy to do it but packing those bags took me a lot of time.  I had to pack two bags for the boys and two for the girls.  They are going to spend two weeks out of the United States so I had to make sure that everything they need was there.  To make easier for me I wrote down everything that they need or would be usefull on their trip.  Now, they just to pack their handbag tomorrow and they will be all set for Friday when we live for Miami for a couple of days before going to Brazil.  I am so excited as usual and may bag is ready since Monday because I can't wait to get in my country and see my family and friends!
Wish a nice Spring Break for everyone!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My aim in the US

I have been living in the United States for almost two years and I have two important goals for my future.  One goal is to get a bachelors degree in hotel management.  I had some nice experience on this field while I was living in Brazil and  I decided to take it as my career choice.  To have an studying experience in a foreign country can open lots of doors in my country, especially when it is about studying.  By the time I graduate I will  be speaken fluenty English which is also an essential for today's job.  Another aim is to save money to buy an apartament in Santos, Brazil.  It is a big city at the beach which has lots of things to do and seems be having an increasing on jobs, and modernization.
For those and other reasons I am working hard so when I move back to my country my life can have a better life.