Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The So Dreamed Age in the US

One of biggest drama about teenagers living in the US is to turn 21.  Reasons are many things you can do after  this age such as  buy cars, buy home and the most important being able to legally drink alcohol.  Teenagens get so exiceted because they know they can get to any club and drink watever they want. Theire is no more need to ask someone to get it for you and miss having fun with their older friends.  I experience this situation of being unable to hang out at clubs when I moved here because I was under 21. In contrast to my country where you are allowed to drink and go out with age of eighteen. 

1 comment:

  1. In my country the situation is the same like in Brazil. When you are 18 years old you are getting "adult". You can legally buy an alcohol and get your drive licence. I got the same problem when I came here. It was really hard to wait until being 21 years old when I could do everything since I was 18 in Poland.
