Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aspen, Colorado

Currently I am riding from Snowmass village in Aspen, Colorado.  I have been here since February 16th and I am going home tomorrow.  Aspen is a tiny village located in Colorado.  We flew here on a private jet, which was very scary at the end of the flight.  I thought I was going to die during the landing because the plane was rocking back and forth really strong.  It was the scariest landing I have ever been on a plane.  Aspen is a beautiful place, there is awsome skiing as well as awesome concert.  There are four skii mountains.  Aspen Mountain, Highlands Mountain, Buttermilk Mountain and Snowmass Mountain.  Yestarday I skied Snowmass mountain all day.  I took a lesson in beginner level three.  I learned better skii posture and focused on making turns.  It was so much fun.  I meet some new people in my class they were Alexandra from Mexico and Jim from Bahamas.  My instructoes name was Ole and he is from Niagra Falls, Canada.  During the break I ate lunch at a restaurant near the Gondola with my new friend.  After lunch i did much better and I loved that afternoon.  This morning I went to the town of Aspen to get a souvenir and do a litle sightseeing.  I looked at many stores and everything was really :"F" expensive so I decided to get a cute green and white jacket and a purple hat.  After that I came home with my friend Gisele and we started to work.  Now, I have to prepare for the return home.  It was a really exiting trip.

The Best Birthday Ever!

Turning fiften is the most important birthday for girls in my country Brazil, so consequently it was a special date for me. I remember how excited I felt at that time.  It is like no longer been a girl and changing to a teenager.  I had a really big party as most of girls does.  It had about two hundred people among them there were family and friends.  It happened in my house in Barra do Una and I loved.  I and my parents worked very hard to make a beautiful party.  We decoreted the tables, there were lots of ballows and it colors were white and orange.  To eat there was many things such as cheese bread, coxinhas, chiken pie and lots more of delicious food.  Everyone enjoyed.   To drink there was batidas, caipirinha, soft drinks.  In addition to these things we had what in my opinon was the best party of the party.  Music hehe as I mentioned in my first poster I love music and we had so much fun dancing.  The Dj was so good and everyone had a wonderful time.  I also got nice presents from everyone but more important than those presents was to have a great time with my family and friends in such special moment in my life.  I wish that could could be forever.  Well this and other good moments will be alive in my heart forever. Good moments will never be forgotten.

Friday, February 18, 2011

From South America to the World

After november 2007 I started to travel aroung the world.  The first foreign country I went was Belgium.   I visited many places in Brussels such as Atomiun, Manneken Pis but the best one for me was the Grand Place, it is one of the most important tourist destination.  I liked because of the guildhalls and its arquicteure.  After that I went to the United Kindgom. OMG,I loved going to London.  There are many places to go and I had fun doing the sightseeing.  The most unforgetuful experience I had was going to the Buckhim Palace.  I felt really important because I  had the chance of going inside of such important residence in British Royality.  It was amazing the colors, decoration that they had long time ago.  I also spend a quick weekend in Scotland.  I didn't see that much but I remember that there was a lot of green area with many horses and caws.  It remind me of the South region of my country Brazil.  Other places that I visited in Europe were Paris and Portugal.  In Paris I most liked to go all the way on top of the Eifel Tower.  From there we have a lovely vison of the all city.  In Portugal I stayed in Algarve and going to the MarinaVila Moura was the best part of it because is full of restaurants, shoppingsand hotels.  Then, I went to North America.  First, I went to NYC . I loved the buildings, the yellow taxis,  the most famous stores and the several tourirsts points such Times Square and Statue of Liberty.  I also went to Aspen, Colorado where I skied for the first time. I mean I tried haha it was hard at the beginnig but I end up doing a gob job. My second time sking was in Utah also in the US.  In 2010 I visited Florida where I spend and I had the cutiest experience ever. I swamm with the dolphins. Oh they are so cute. Last year I went to Sydney, Australia.  I did several things there like snorkoling at the great barrier reef, lovey blue water with beautiful fishes and turtle.  Also, I flew over Blue Mountais and I even tried the Canguru meet. One of the symbols of Australia.  I also visited Nassau, Bahamas. Beautiful islands and good weather. I have been travelling around the world and I am very happy for that. By now I now more places out of my country than there but when i move back I would like to travel around there because i know there are beautiful places too.  I just want to thaks God for all those opportunities in my life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Passion for Music

I have passions for so many things but now I am going to write about one of them. It is the passion for listening to musics. I just love listening to music. It can be any genre of music such as forro or sertanejo from my country Brazil, or the bests black and pop musics from the United States which are my favorites ones . I dont  worry if is romantic or other rythm. I like to listen to everything. What is important for me is that is the words speaks to mee.  Sometimes I listen to relax, to think about my life and dreams. Other times i listen to music to feel happy and have fun.  I like to listen to music while I am working, having a shower and those are some reasons why i want to have music plugs all over my future house so I can listen to music anytime and anywhere at my home. The only thing that I always prefer is to listen with the loudest volume ever.  For some reasons it makes much better listenig to the music.  Althought I love to listen to music I woud not work in this profession. I am better listening than singing. I had wonderdul time in my life where I was listening to great musics so those are part of my memories too. It is so good to listen to music and I recommentd that if you do not listen to, starts doing so It will be fun!