Friday, February 18, 2011

From South America to the World

After november 2007 I started to travel aroung the world.  The first foreign country I went was Belgium.   I visited many places in Brussels such as Atomiun, Manneken Pis but the best one for me was the Grand Place, it is one of the most important tourist destination.  I liked because of the guildhalls and its arquicteure.  After that I went to the United Kindgom. OMG,I loved going to London.  There are many places to go and I had fun doing the sightseeing.  The most unforgetuful experience I had was going to the Buckhim Palace.  I felt really important because I  had the chance of going inside of such important residence in British Royality.  It was amazing the colors, decoration that they had long time ago.  I also spend a quick weekend in Scotland.  I didn't see that much but I remember that there was a lot of green area with many horses and caws.  It remind me of the South region of my country Brazil.  Other places that I visited in Europe were Paris and Portugal.  In Paris I most liked to go all the way on top of the Eifel Tower.  From there we have a lovely vison of the all city.  In Portugal I stayed in Algarve and going to the MarinaVila Moura was the best part of it because is full of restaurants, shoppingsand hotels.  Then, I went to North America.  First, I went to NYC . I loved the buildings, the yellow taxis,  the most famous stores and the several tourirsts points such Times Square and Statue of Liberty.  I also went to Aspen, Colorado where I skied for the first time. I mean I tried haha it was hard at the beginnig but I end up doing a gob job. My second time sking was in Utah also in the US.  In 2010 I visited Florida where I spend and I had the cutiest experience ever. I swamm with the dolphins. Oh they are so cute. Last year I went to Sydney, Australia.  I did several things there like snorkoling at the great barrier reef, lovey blue water with beautiful fishes and turtle.  Also, I flew over Blue Mountais and I even tried the Canguru meet. One of the symbols of Australia.  I also visited Nassau, Bahamas. Beautiful islands and good weather. I have been travelling around the world and I am very happy for that. By now I now more places out of my country than there but when i move back I would like to travel around there because i know there are beautiful places too.  I just want to thaks God for all those opportunities in my life.

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky. I love to travel, too but I have never been to Europe. I'm interested in visiting Spain sometime. I have traveled a lot and my favorite place is Candana. When I was 20's, I traveled across Canada. I stayed Banff, Albata for almost six month. In Albata, you can see a lot of beautiful natural scenery. I wish I could visit there again with my family in the near future.
