Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aspen, Colorado

Currently I am riding from Snowmass village in Aspen, Colorado.  I have been here since February 16th and I am going home tomorrow.  Aspen is a tiny village located in Colorado.  We flew here on a private jet, which was very scary at the end of the flight.  I thought I was going to die during the landing because the plane was rocking back and forth really strong.  It was the scariest landing I have ever been on a plane.  Aspen is a beautiful place, there is awsome skiing as well as awesome concert.  There are four skii mountains.  Aspen Mountain, Highlands Mountain, Buttermilk Mountain and Snowmass Mountain.  Yestarday I skied Snowmass mountain all day.  I took a lesson in beginner level three.  I learned better skii posture and focused on making turns.  It was so much fun.  I meet some new people in my class they were Alexandra from Mexico and Jim from Bahamas.  My instructoes name was Ole and he is from Niagra Falls, Canada.  During the break I ate lunch at a restaurant near the Gondola with my new friend.  After lunch i did much better and I loved that afternoon.  This morning I went to the town of Aspen to get a souvenir and do a litle sightseeing.  I looked at many stores and everything was really :"F" expensive so I decided to get a cute green and white jacket and a purple hat.  After that I came home with my friend Gisele and we started to work.  Now, I have to prepare for the return home.  It was a really exiting trip.

1 comment:

  1. I have been there! Beautiful place! I am not really good skier but I hope to come back there some day! I really enjoyed time that I spend in Aspen, Colorado.
