Monday, May 9, 2011

Brazilian Folk Story

Saci Perere is a black child and one of the most famous characters from Brazilian folk stories. The Saci Perere legend was originated among the indigenous tribes in the south region of Brazil.
Saci Perere is considered to be playful but in some parts of my country he is seen as an evil being. He has one leg, smokes pipe and wears on his head a red hood that gives him magical powers like disappear and appear anywhere. Also, he turns into a bird called Mati-Tapere. This bird song echo goes in all directions making that way impossible to find its location. Saci loves to do tricks like hiding toys, pour salt on the kitten, making noises, frightens travelers and so on.
According to the legend Saci is in a swirling wind and can be caught by throughing a sieve over the swirls. After getting him one must remove his hood in order to have his obedience and keep him in a bottle. There are others saying about this legend such as the place where Sacis are born. They say they born in Bambus and live there for seven years. After this time they live seventy seven years more to annoy the humans and animals life. When they die they become mushroom.
Despite Saci’s jokes he does not practice in order to harm someone. As the myth says he is also an important knowledgeable of herbs from the forest. He controls and keeps all his knowledge. If someone enter in the forests in search of those herbs they should ask Saci’s permission, otherwise the person would became a victim of Saci’s plays.

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