Sunday, May 8, 2011

Superstition In Brazil

There are many superstition in my country Brazil. Some of them are part of daily life. Superstition is something which comes from grandparents to grandmother or between friends. A superstition person belives anything that people says. Some polupar superstiion in my country is "right foot"/. For example, we must either get in or out of some house with the "right foot" to brings luck. If you enter with the left one it means bad luck. Another superstition is "hot ear". If all of a sudden your ears get hot that would mean for us that someone has been talking about us. It doesn;t really has to be mean or good thinh. When that happens people usually starts telling some suspicious name until the ears stops getting hot. But one superstiion that I like is when your left hand scratching cause that means you are going to have an extra money. Those are some of many others superstitions we have in Brazil

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